5000 (DICE GAME)
5000 (DICE GAME) OBJECTIVE OF 5000: Be the first player to get 5000 points NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 – 10 players MATERIALS: Five 6 sided dice, way to keep score TYPE OF GAME: Dice game AUDIENCE: Family, Adults INTRODUCTION OF 5000 5000 is a simple dice game to play with friends and family. It only requires five 6 sided dice, and a way to keep score. To decide which players should go first and keep score, everyone should roll one die. The player who rolls the highest number goes first, and the player who rolls the lowest number must keep score for the game. THE PLAY The player begins their turn by rolling all five dice. A 1, 5 or three of a kind (called counters ) must be rolled in order to continue their turn. Everything else is considered garbage . A player sets aside at least one counter each roll. If a player successfully rolls all five dice as counters, they may pick up the dice and continue rolli...