OBJECTIVE OF TIGRIS & EUPHRATES: The objective of Tigris & Euphrates is to better develop your civilization in the four domains of development.



  • The game board
  • 153 “civilisation” tiles
  • 8 “catastrophe” tiles
  • 1 “junction” tile
  • 6 wooden monuments each made from two coloured parts
  • 16 leaders (4 from each of the four dynasties)
  • 140 “victory point” cubes of each of the four colours (20 small ones worth 1 and 15 large ones worth 5)
  • 10 “treasure” white wooden cubes
  • 4 player screens
  • 1 bag

TYPE OF GAME: tile placement game

AUDIENCE: teen, adult


Each player must develop his or her civilisation in four distinct areas: politics, religion, agriculture and trade. To do this, players will use their leaders on the map, create and expand kingdoms, build monuments and resolve conflicts, earning victory points in all four areas. The winner will be the one who has developed a balanced civilization without weakness in any area. 메이저사이트추천


Place a temple tile and a treasure on each of the ten winged sphinx squares. Put all the remaining civilization tiles in the bag.  Victory points, monuments and the junction tile are placed next to the game board. Each player:

  • chooses a dynasty, represented by a symbol, takes the four leaders bearing this symbol and places them, along with two catastrophe tiles, in front of his screen.
  • draws six civilisation tiles from the bag and places them behind his screen, hidden from other players.

Unused leaders, screens and catastrophe tiles are removed from the game.

Example of a 2 player game setup


Kingdoms and territories

The term “kingdom” has a precise meaning in this game. During the game, leaders and civilization tiles are placed face up on the map. Adjacent civilisation tiles (joined at one side, not at an angle) form a territory. A territory in which there is at least one leader is a kingdom. There can be several leaders from the same player or from different players in the same kingdom. A kingdom grows by receiving more civilisation tiles or leaders; it can be united with another kingdom or, sometimes, be divided. As long as all the leaders in a kingdom are of different colours, there is no trouble, but as soon as two leaders of the same colour are present in the same kingdom, conflict occurs.

Course of a turn

The game is played in clockwise order. Each player can, in turn, perform up to two actions, in the order of their choice. It is allowed to perform the same action twice. The actions are:

  • Placing or moving a leader
  • Placing a civilization tile
  • Placing a catastrophe tile
  • Exchanging up to six civilisation tiles
1. Placing or moving a leader

Each player has four leaders: a King (black), a Priest (red), a Farmer (blue) and a Merchant (green). You can only place and move your own leaders. You can place a leader on the map, but also move or even take back a leader already on the map. A leader can only be placed on an empty space. A leader must always be placed on a square adjacent to a temple. A leader may not be placed on a river, nor on a square that connects two kingdoms. It can happen that during the game, some temple tiles are turned over or removed from the game. When a leader no longer has any adjacent temple, he is immediately taken back by his owner.

Important: Placing a leader does not earn any victory points… but it is impossible to earn any victory points if you do not have any leaders on the map.

2. Placing a civilization tile

A civilisation tile is always taken from behind its screen and placed on an empty square on the game board. Blue tiles can only be placed on rivers, other tiles can be placed anywhere except on rivers.

When a civilisation tile is placed in a kingdom in which there is a leader of the same colour, the owner of this leader receives a victory point of that colour. If there is no leader of the colour of the placed tile in the kingdom, but there is a king (black leader), then the owner of this king receives the victory point. Otherwise no victory point is awarded. The same applies if the tile is not placed in a kingdom, or if it joins two kingdoms. Victory points are placed by each player behind his screen. A placed civilization tile can no longer be moved.

3. Placing a catastrophe tile

A catastrophe tile must be played on an empty square, or on top of a tile already on the map, but not on a square where there is a treasure, monument or leader. The covered tile is then removed from the game. A catastrophe tile interrupts the connection between the leaders and/or tiles on the map, and can therefore cause a kingdom to be divided into two or more parts.

4. Exchanging from one to six tiles

The player discards, face down, as many tiles as he wishes before drawing the same number from the bag. The tiles that have been discarded are removed from the game. A player who starts his turn by exchanging tiles can of course use his new tiles for his second action.

End of a player’s turn

When a player has performed his actions,

  • He looks to see if one or more of his leaders are in the same kingdom as monuments of the same colour. Each time this is the case, he receives a victory point of the corresponding colour. Black leaders cannot take points of other colours from monuments.
  • He then draws tiles from the bag to have six tiles behind his screen. If other players have fewer than six tiles, they also draw tiles from the bag.
  • The round moves on to the next player.

Game events

Conflictsconstruction of monuments and allocation of treasures are events that can occur as a result of the actions Place or move a leader or Place a tile. They are then an integral part of the action, which is only considered complete when the event has been applied.

1. Construction of monuments

When a player completes a square of four identical tiles, he can turn these four tiles face down and place a monument above them. The following rules apply:

  • The colour of the four returned tiles must be one of the two colours of the monument. If there is no longer a monument available in this colour, then no monument can be built on it and the tiles cannot be turned over.
  • If the placement of the fourth tile causes a conflict, this conflict must be resolved before a monument can be built. If, after the conflict has been resolved, the four identical tiles are still in place, then the current player may build a monument.
  • If the player who completes a square decides not to turn over the tiles, no monuments can later be built, either by him or by another player, on that square.
  • The four tiles are always part of a territory or kingdom, connecting adjacent tiles and leaders. However, these four tiles lose their other functions, especially during conflicts.
  • A monument cannot be destroyed.
  • When four temples were turned over to build a monument, if there was a treasure on one of them, it would remain in place on the tile face down.
2. Allocation of treasure

Ten treasures were placed on the first ten temples on the map at the beginning of the game. During the game, if at the end of a player’s action, a kingdom contains several treasures, then the player who controls the Merchant (green leader) of that kingdom receives all but one of these treasures. He can leave the treasure of his choice but must, if he can, take the treasures in the four corners of the map first. If there is no Merchant in the kingdom, then the treasures remain in place until a Merchant arrives. Each treasure is a “joker” victory point which takes the colour of his owner’s choice.

During his turn, the bottom player placed two tiles, one temple and one market, in the bottom left part of his kingdom. He therefore won one red and one green cubes, and the treasure on the temple to the left since he has a merchant leader in the kingdom.
3. Conflicts

Conflict arises when several leaders of the same colour are in the same kingdom. This may happen in two cases:

1.a. Internal conflict: a leader is placed in a kingdom where there is already another leader of the same colour.

1.b. External conflict: two kingdoms are joined and in the new kingdom thus created there are two leaders of the same colour.

It is not possible for a player to then withdraw his leader to prevent the conflict from taking place. The resolution of the conflict depends on the tiles present on the map, and possibly on the other tiles that the players decide to use as reinforcements. Once the conflict has been resolved, no kingdom may contain more than one leader of the same colour.

3.a. Internal conflict


  • The player who placed the new leader is the attacker. The attacker and the defender count the temples adjacent to their respective leader. Sometimes the same temple can be counted for both leaders.
  • The attacker can then place temples taken behind his screen in front of him as reinforcements.
  • The defender may then do the same.
  • The one with the highest total number of temples wins. In case of a tie, the defender wins.

Consequences of the conflict:

  • The loser takes back his leader, the winner’s leader remains on the map.
  • The winner receives a red victory point.
  • All temples played as reinforcements are removed from the game, face down.
3.b. External conflict

The placing of a civilisation tile (but not that of a leader) can lead to the joining of two kingdoms. It is forbidden to join more than two kingdoms with a single tile. The placing of a tile joining two kingdoms does not lead to the awarding of victory points. The “junction” tile is placed on the tile that joins the two kingdoms. If there are not two leaders of the same colour in the new kingdom, the joining tile is removed immediately, as no conflict occurs. On the other hand, if there are several leaders of the same colour, there is a conflict. If there are several conflicts, the player who placed the tile decides the order in which they are resolved.


  • If one of the leaders involved in the conflict belongs to the player who placed the tile joining the two kingdoms, then that player is the attacker, and his opponent is the defender. Otherwise, the attacker is the one clockwise after the one who placed the tile.
  • Both the attacker and the defender count supporters of the leaders involved in the conflict in their respective kingdoms, i.e. the number of tiles of the leader’s colour. All such tiles, not only those adjacent to the leaders, are taken into account.
  • The attacker, then the defender, can add reinforcements taken from behind their screen. Everyone can only add reinforcements once.
  • The one with the highest total number of supporters wins. In case of a tie, the defender wins.

Consequences of the conflict:

  • The loser removes his leader and all his supporters from his original kingdom.
  • The winner receives one victory point for the defeated leader, as well as an additional point for each supporter removed by the loser (reinforcements from behind the player screens are not taken into account).
  • The leader of the winner remains on the board.
  • The loser’s supporters, as well as the winner’s reinforcements, are removed from the game, face down. Exception: After a conflict between two priests, supporters (temples) on which there is a treasure, or next to which there is a leader who did not take part in the conflict, remain on the map. Victory points are only awarded for the leader and supporters actually removed from the map.
The top player joined the two kingdoms and declared a black conflict first, adding two supporters from his reserve to the three population tiles he already had on the board. The bottom player, having two on the board, adds three supporters and wins the conflict!

When a tile is removed from the map because of a conflict, it can divide a kingdom. It is possible that leaders who were in conflict then find themselves in separate kingdoms, thus avoiding further conflict. However, if after the first conflict there are still leaders of the same colour in the kingdom, then the second conflict must be resolved. Once all conflicts have been resolved, the junction tile is removed from the map and placed next to the game board.


The game ends when there are only one or two treasures left on the map at the end of a player’s turn, or if there are less than 6 tiles left in the bag when a player must draw from it. Players then raise their screens. Each player counts their victory points in the colour where they have the least (treasures are joker points), and the player with the most victory points in their lowest colour wins. In the event of a tie, ties are broken by the second lowest colour, and so on.

The bottom player’s worst colours are red, black and blue, all at 1é thanks to the treasures. But the top player wins with 14 points in both red and black.

Enjoy! 😊


After a few games, try using the other side of the game board, which has 14 winged sphinx squares, allowing for longer and better games.

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